Birthday fundraising

You can make a difference to the lives of people experiencing homelessness by fundraising for us on your birthday.

Birthday fundraising

You can make a difference to the lives of people experiencing homelessness by fundraising for us on your birthday.

Create a fundraising page

Set up a JustGiving page, or Facebook Fundraiser, so it’s easy for friends and family to donate in the lead up to and on the big day.

Personalise your page to let everyone know why you’ve chosen to support us and how their donations will make a huge difference.

Once your page is set up, share it on social media and ask for donations instead of presents.

Click here to download your shareable thank you badge to let everyone know how much you raised.

Pay in your fundraising

Create a fundraising page

Set up a JustGiving page, or Facebook Fundraiser, so it’s easy for friends and family to donate in the lead up to and on the big day.

Personalise your page to let everyone know why you’ve chosen to support us and how their donations will make a huge difference.

Once your page is set up, share it on social media and ask for donations instead of presents.

Click here to download your shareable thank you badge to let everyone know how much you raised.

Pay in your fundraising

Hold a collection

If you’re having a party, you could hold a collection on the day. You could have a collection tin for guests to donate spare charge or print out a QR code from your JustGiving page, for people to scan and donate online. Please email to request any collection tins and envelopes.

We also have materials that you can use on the day, so everyone knows who you are fundraising for!

Hold a collection

If you’re having a party, you could hold a collection on the day. You could have a collection tin for guests to donate spare charge or print out a QR code from your JustGiving page, for people to scan and donate online. Please email to request any collection tins and envelopes.

We also have materials that you can use on the day, so everyone knows who you are fundraising for!

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