Supporting people in the Roma community sleeping rough in London with partners across the sector.
Supporting people in the Roma community sleeping rough in London with partners across the sector.
The Roma Rough Sleeping Team’s aim is to ensure no-one from the Roma community has to sleep rough in London.
We work with partners across the statutory, voluntary and faith based services to:
Our team is passionate about supporting the Roma community. Some of us are Roma ourselves and have experienced some of the same challenges that our clients face on a day-to-day basis. All the team have the in-depth understanding of Roma culture that is required to help them leave homelessness behind for good. The team is funded by the GLA and DLUHC and delivered in collaboration with The Passage.
Over the course of the project we will be sharing resources that will help you provide better quality and culturally competent support to the Roma Community.
It is really important all our clients are supported to understand how the EU Settled Status Scheme works and what this means for their rights and entitlements. This can be challenging for some Roma individuals who struggle to read and right.
To help with this we have translated the following information into Romany and recorded this as a voice note.
You can download this voice note or play directly from the website to the client.
Roma Rough Sleeping Team Advice Line
If you are working with people from the Roma community who are rough sleeping, you can contact our advice line any time Monday to Friday 9.30 am – 5.30 pm.
Find out more here.
Roma Mediators
Our team has three Roma mediators that each work with a designated London borough to support the outreach teams with some of their most complex clients.
If you are interested in having a mediator work with you in your borough contact the team here.
Employment and Immigration Advice
If you are working with individuals who are in need of immigration advice and cannot access this via local routes, or who need specialist support to access employment then please get in touch.
All professionals are welcome to attend our Pan London Roma Operational Group where we discuss challenges, learning and share best practice.
Meetings take place the first Thursday of every month at 10 am. Please contact
for more information.
Individuals from the Roma community may be less familiar with systems and processes in the UK and may also be unclear about their rights and entitlements or the role of specific institutions such as the ‘Department for Work and Pensions’ or ‘Job Centre Plus’.
Our role is to support individuals to navigate these services where needed, so they can end their homelessness.
The need to provide culturally appropriate, access to SWEP provision to individuals from the Roma Community was discussed at the Pan London Roma Operational Group.
A quick look at the history of Roma in Europe, including where they come from, what they do, how they were treated, whether it’s OK to call them “gypsies”, and the difference between Roma and Travellers.
The Roma Rough Sleeping Team’s aim is to ensure no-one from the Roma community has to sleep rough in London.
We work with partners across the statutory, voluntary and faith based services to:
Our team is passionate about supporting the Roma community. Some of us are Roma ourselves and have experienced some of the same challenges that our clients face on a day-to-day basis. All the team have the in-depth understanding of Roma culture that is required to help them leave homelessness behind for good. The team is funded by the GLA and DLUHC and delivered in collaboration with The Passage.
Over the course of the project we will be sharing resources that will help you provide better quality and culturally competent support to the Roma Community.
It is really important all our clients are supported to understand how the EU Settled Status Scheme works and what this means for their rights and entitlements. This can be challenging for some Roma individuals who struggle to read and right.
To help with this we have translated the following information into Romany and recorded this as a voice note.
You can download this voice note or play directly from the website to the client.
Roma Rough Sleeping Team Advice Line
If you are working with people from the Roma community who are rough sleeping, you can contact our advice line any time Monday to Friday 9.30 am – 5.30 pm.
Find out more here.
Roma Mediators
Our team has three Roma mediators that each work with a designated London borough to support the outreach teams with some of their most complex clients.
If you are interested in having a mediator work with you in your borough contact the team:
Employment and Immigration Advice
If you are working with individuals who are in need of immigration advice and cannot access this via local routes, or who need specialist support to access employment then please get in touch.
All professionals are welcome to attend our Pan London Roma Operational Group where we discuss challenges, learning and share best practice.
Meetings take place the first Thursday of every month at 10 am. Please contact
for more information.
Individuals from the Roma community may be less familiar with systems and processes in the UK and may also be unclear about their rights and entitlements or the role of specific institutions such as the ‘Department for Work and Pensions’ or ‘Job Centre Plus’.
Our role is to support individuals to navigate these services where needed, so they can end their homelessness.
The need to provide culturally appropriate, access to SWEP provision to individuals from the Roma Community was discussed at the Pan London Roma Operational Group.
A quick look at the history of Roma in Europe, including where they come from, what they do, how they were treated, whether it’s OK to call them “gypsies”, and the difference between Roma and Travellers.
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