rebuilding lives Archives | St Mungo's Ending homelessness, rebuilding lives Thu, 24 Mar 2022 17:22:17 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 rebuilding lives Archives | St Mungo's 32 32 The new NHS plan for mental health services has a clear offer for people sleeping rough Tue, 13 Aug 2019 06:59:26 +0000 For organisations who have campaigned for many years on homeless health, the NHS Mental Health Implementation Plan is a cause for celebration. Beatrice Orchard, St Mungo’s Head of Policy, Campaigns and Research, explains why the plan must deliver on its ambition to make sure everyone sleeping rough can access the mental health support they need. […]

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Creating change for women facing homelessness Thu, 21 Mar 2019 07:30:55 +0000 St Mungo’s has published a new three year ‘Women’s Strategy’ setting out how we plan to improve our services for women and influence policy on women’s homelessness. Our Women’s Strategy Manager Cat Glew introduces our approach. Five years ago St Mungo’s published our ground-breaking Rebuilding Shattered Lives research into women’s homelessness. We found that homelessness services are often […]

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‘I’ve come a long way’ Fri, 17 Nov 2017 12:31:04 +0000 Mohamed left care at 16, has lived in numerous hostels and is now on an FA Coaching course at Fulham FC. He shares his excitement about the opportunity he’s been given. I came to the UK as an unaccompanied child refugee. I moved from hostel to hostel. In the place I last lived, when you […]

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